
Review by sack on Tuesday, December 27th 2011
Click to play Respiration

Respiration is a game created by deathleaf

Hello and Welcome. I am back with another review. I have not been saving enough time for myself to do a review. But, here I have all the time I want.

Why I chose this game

Well, actually it was quite simple to choose I was looking for a game with puzzles and challenges throughout the whole game.

So I played it.


Knowing Deathleaf I did expect a decent game from him an dit was also on the featured list. Which editors are doing a good job of now. Respiration stood out from the others so I was looking for something good.

After Play

I was blown away by this game with it's creativity and style. Normally I am expecting a normal mode game but this was published in 8 bit form so I was interested seeing how it would turn out especially because I am not a fan of 8 bit. First I shall do the Action. It wasn't the best of action mainly because of how many tasks and puzzles were put in and that lead to lots more hazards. I was pleased though that he still did add enemies when needed to make it harder.

Next, I shall talk about the puzzles. I thought it was amazing. It was in every place you would want it. I am surprised that some people could not get past the first puzzle where the game starts but maybe its just a bit harder for some people. I liked that idea, although I had seen it before, he made it more creative and not so obvious which made the game one bit better. Another example is where he hides a blue switch and you have to glitch your way out.

Now we move on to decoration. Yes, not very important but still gives off a nice taste to the game. I thought that a reasonable amount of decoration was used and for me it suited the game nicely. Most games I see are crowded with decorations but this just looks at little bit more unique.

Now we have enemy placement. I thought that the enemy placement was excellent. I actually don't think it could of been much better. Sometimes the enemies were hard to kill or maybe not even possible to kill but they could still get you. I thought that it was very impressive and he also used a variety of enemies.

My Overall Opinion

Personally, I think that Deathleaf has produced A Marvel with this game and I am sure that he will soon produce another super game. There are not many places to improve for this type of game, Puzzle, but he has done a good job.










Ratings- Out of 5

Fun: 3.5

Puzzle: 4.7

Map: 3.9

Action: 3.7

Creativity: 4.8

Decoration: 4


The Overall mark that I am going to give Respiration by Deathleaf is:


I hope that you have enjoyed my Review and I really do recommend playing this game


Respiration Reviewed by sack on Tuesday, December 27th 2011. "Respiration" - A game review written by sack for the game 'Respiration' by deathleaf. Rating: 1