The Eagle Chamber By Theeagle

Review by sansander97 on Wednesday, September 8th 2010
Click to play The Eagle Chamber

The Eagle Chamber is a game created by theeagle

Pre-thoughts: Cool Beginning. It looks like it tool along time to make.

Review: Traps, Traps, Traps! This game take traps in games to a whole another level! When it looks like you are going the right way, YOUR NOT! I don’t think it’s very possible to win. I think it’s just for the fun of it! This game is rated only two stars but it really shouldn’t be! This game has multiple reviews on it and is worthy of all of them!

Artwork in this game is almost perfectly symmetrical all throughout the game. With twists and turns and heavy cruisers, this game is very, VERY hard! There are also so many passage ways to go into which leads to traps or dead ends most of the time.

You start by facing a helicopter and some ground enemies. These excel into larger, more powerful enemies.




-Uses shooter update well


-Difficulty (The harder the better but they cannot be too hard which this game happens to be)


Art: ______/___

Game Play: *********/

Addictiveness: ______/___
Hardness: ________/_

Overall (not including hardness): 7.5/10


The Eagle Chamber Reviewed by sansander97 on Wednesday, September 8th 2010. The Eagle Chamber By Theeagle - A game review written by sansander97 for the game 'The Eagle Chamber' by theeagle. Rating: 5