[BHR] Click Me Again

Review by sansander97 on Wednesday, December 29th 2010
Click to play Click Me Again

Click Me Again is a game created by jeoffffff

Sansander97’s 24th Review

I will be reviewing Click Me Again. by jeoffffff. I stumbled upon this game while checking empoleon’s newest review on the original Click Me game. I realized that a second version was made. Staylor21fan already reviewed this game but I feel that it doesn’t explain it well enough (no offence). I don’t like how members can’t signify if this game is going to be good or bad. Most “Click Me” games aren’t exactly top notch games like this one is and I almost bypassed it. It’s a miracle that I actually clicked on this game.

This game begins with your character hovering in midair. There is a ladder right above you and some weak floor tiles below you. Sense every other passageway is blocked by perm blocks, I headed downwards falling through the weak floor tiles. As soon as I was at the bottom of the fall of pure unpredictability, I had to battle two bats and a ninja boy. These enemies proved to be nothing short of a walk in the park. I then walked passed two touch doors and found myself in utter darkness. I scaled the ladder above me until I realized what I had to do next. I was going to have to float on some water tiles avoiding the lava above me and below me. This was easier than I had expected it would be. At the end of the tricky lava puzzle, I spotted the perm switch. Finally I can go to new undiscovered locations in Click Me Again. I then retraced my steps back to the fall from the weak floor tiles. This is where I sadly got stuck and ended by game play. I saw the green key and I thought that I could scale the wall on the right and retrieve it but apparently not.

Click Me Again has scenery blocks and tiles up the wazoo. It uses pretty much every plant available to use as well as some pretty awesome background tiles and blocks. The scenery in this game is the most incredible part. Many background lights are used throughout this game and enable players to see the elaborate background tiles used everywhere. I truly admire jeoffffff’s creativity with this game. This game is at average difficulty. Some parts such as the lava trap/puzzle can be very challenging. But most spots in this game (that I was able to get to) weren’t too difficult. I imagine most users of Sploder wouldn’t have too much trouble passing this game. Click Me Again is incredibly fun. I love playing this game over and over to see if I can figure out how to beat the part that I was stuck on. Sadly, I have no clue how to pass this game. But I’m sure some members will be able to figure it out. What troubles me is that I know for a fact that this game is possible. It has been proven by jeoffffff himself. Oh well, I guess I will have to keep trying to figure this one out. :/

Scores & Ratings (/5)

Name: _
Game Play: ___
Scenery: _____
Challenge: ___
Puzzles/Traps: ____
Fun: ___

Overall Score: ___


1. Add more pathways and secret tunnels.

2. Change the game name to something that sounds worthy of this game.

Recommend this Game to a Friend?


My Final Burn

My hopes were originally low for this game merely because of the name but I have learned never to judge a book (in this case; a game) by its cover (title).

This has been a BHR.