[TUTORIAL] How To Work With Tunnels

Review by sansander97 on Saturday, January 22nd 2011

Tutorial #1

How to Work with Tunnels

For an optimal learning experience, have the tutorial game on one side of your screen and this tutorial on the other. Follow along in the game as you read through this tutorial. Use your jetpack to view the whole section.

#1: There are many different types of tunnels to choose from. You can use the Basic Tunnel, the Tunnel Corner, the Tunnel Junction, another Tunnel Junction and a Tunnel End piece.

#2: Basic tunnels can run both vertically and horizontally. These tunnel pieces are the most used kind because they run in a steady direction.

#3: Corner pieces can add a ton of fun to your tunnel. Use them to mix it up a little. Keep your players on their toes. These pieces are also great for adding alternative routes and avoiding certain objects in your game.

#4: These Junction pieces (I call them connectors) are great for changing the path of your tunnel and adding alternate routes. You can also use these routes for dead ends, traps and deadly boss fights as you build off of them.

#5: These end pieces simply bring a tunnel route to an end. You may want to use these for traps filled with deadly lava or spike blocks. But remember, your character can’t jump out of these end tunnels on his own; he needs a long jump power up or a single tile block. That is why I stress to use the lava more than the spike blocks for these. The spike block can double up as that one needed tile to spring free of your so-called trap.

#6: This is a very basic tunnel system. These systems can be incorporated into your game to make it change settings. Don’t forget to use your jet pack. If you would like to try this system out, fall down the ladders into the tunnel. If you would like to skip this tunnel system, shimmy over to the left on the ladders. If you enter a teleporter, you have beaten this tunnel system. User superpiggy made a great tunnel system game called “Ant Hill..Ground Sector Zero..” and I think you should really try it before attempting a tunnel system. (URL: http://www.sploder.com/games/members/superpiggy/play/ant-hillground-sector-zero/)

#7: There are two colors of tunnels to choose from. There is a tan colored tunnel theme for the average tunnels that you would find in a cave and blue, mystical tunnels that you would only find in a dream. Each tunnel piece type has both of these themes to choose from. Choose the theme that fits your game.

#8: Background items cannot overlap the tunnel pieces under any circumstances. However, any other item available in the platformer creator can overlap the tunnel pieces.

This has been a STR (Sploder Tutorial Review)