Review by sansander97 on Tuesday, March 1st 2011
Click to play CRISIS I

CRISIS I is a game created by zinc

Review #32

Background on the Creator & Opening Segment

Wow! It sure has been a while since I last reviewed a game for the BHR. I’m starting to review again so look for new BHR reviews regularly. I will be reviewing CRISIS I by zinc. It was requested in the BHR thread in the Sploder Forums. I know zinc from the Sploder Forums but I never really played any of his games. This is my first.

My Experience

CRISIS I started very uniquely. There is a ladder leading into the unknown and a purple key door right below you. The traps and puzzles soon caught my eye. I have never seen such traps yet. Well, I guess I will be seeing many more unique traps on the Platformer due to the new updates. As I tried to progress further in CRISIS I, I soon found out that progressing wasn’t too difficult. The traps at the beginning were easy enough to avoid and the enemies weren’t too powerful. When I feel in one of the traps in CRISIS I, I was able to wall climb out without wasting a sing bit of health. This is because waiting at the bottom of the one way door are spike blocks. As you probably know, if you don’t move when you land on a spike block, it can’t cause any damage. This is something I would fix and replace with lava or a tunnel end piece. I do like zinc’s new trap idea but I feel it could be expanded on and made better.

Entertainment & Creativity

In terms of entertainment, CRISIS I delivers the package. CRISIS I is original and “Fun for the whole family” as they say. Although CRISIS I is original and creative, I wish it would include more traps and puzzles that require thinking, luck and quick decisions. If zinc incorporated more challenges in CRISIS I, it would say just how great of a game creator zinc is. I dislike the repetitiveness of this game. The constant purple theme adds to this sense of repetitiveness.

Scenery & Enemy Placement

CRISIS I had a very creative theme; dark purple. I loved the color scheme zinc used with this game. Enemies were placed with care and caution. I couldn’t ask for better enemy placement. This game involved many of the new enemies that were added to the game greater a couple updates ago. I must say, though, that the minions that zinc placed should be replaced with different enemies. Minions kick you if you get too close and if you are climbing up a ladder at the time that minions are trying to kick you, you’d better be prepared to fight back on the ladder.


This game is pretty epic. You can instantly tell this is a unique game by the color scheme used in CRISIS I. You may have noticed that I keep referring to the color of this game. That is because of its different and exciting feel. Purple draws me into the game and it looks great on a thumbnail image.

Description Given

“A very creative game i must say”

Pros & Cons


-Nice Purple Scenery Theme

-Very Entertaining

-Many New Traps/Puzzles


-Not Many New Scenery Items, Concepts or Decorations

-Too Short


Although I love the color purple, it can get pretty repetitive after a while. Change the color scheme up with different sections and rooms throughout the game. I would also focus more on adding more alternative paths that are either dead ends or lead to game objectives. This brings me to the final suggestion; game objectives. The current game objective is to destroy the enemies. This is a very dull objective in my opinion and should be replaced by new ones.

Ratings (Out of 5)

Entertainment: ____
Enemy Placement: ___
Creativity: ___
Scenery: ____
Epicness: ___
Intensity: ___

Overall: 3/5


Game Type: Platformer

Requested?: Yes

Date Created: Saturday February 26th, 2011

Mission Type: Destroy the Enemies (7)

Difficulty Provided: 7/10

My Final Burn

I’d like to congratulate zinc for making a great first impression on me. He has the skills to create even more elaborate games hopefully taking into account my previous suggestions and ratings.

This has been a BHR.


CRISIS I Reviewed by sansander97 on Tuesday, March 1st 2011. [BHR] CRISIS I - A game review written by sansander97 for the game 'CRISIS I' by zinc. Rating: 3