Challenging Lava Level!

Review by sonic52789 on Thursday, September 16th 2010
Click to play Fuego

Fuego is a game created by dylanisawesome

Pre-thoughts: "Unique name, but is this a unique game?"

Review: After playing this game, I just felt like playing it again and again. The design this user puts in this ship game is absolutely incredible! He sticks to one theme in this game, "Lava". Although, design isn't everything. It's just one of the keys into a good game.

One of the reasons why I wanted to play it again and again, was so that I can beat it. The game is too hard, so it takes a couple tries to beat. It seems like there are more enemies and hazards in the game than anything else, where at times could seem a little crammed.

But, there are some power-ups that make up for all the enemies. There's the mines at the start of the level for example. And there are some health packs and other items.

The user makes a great use of the new updates by using the switch poly and others. The game doesn't seem that large of in area, but it's one heck of a fun time. It took me about 6 minutes to beat so it's a fair size. Although the game is mirrored, meaning one side is the same as the other. But, it's still fun to play!


- Great Design

- Unique original idea

- Good use of the new updates

- excellent size


- Too hard

- Not enough health or power-ups

- enemies at times seemed crammed

Fun: _________/__________
Design: __________/__________
Mission: ______/__________
Challenge: _________/__________
Originality: __________/__________

Verdict: "Perfect Challenge, If you really want to test your skills, play this! Well done Dylanisawesome!"