Project Faction...

Review by superpiggy on Friday, November 26th 2010
Click to play Project Faction

Project Faction is a game created by staylor21fan

...Is A Brilliant Game!


Hmm, seems very simple. This should be a piece of cake. Though I am a fan of Staylor's games, this seems unlike him...Okay, so maybe this won't be as easy as it looks. His shooters can be very difficult because of this concept.


You start out faced with a strange puzzle. But after a few attempts, you must use your brain and go where you think Staylor would want you to go. That's how I figured this one out.

Throughout the course of the game, you are faced with many enemies and puzzles. Those are good genres to put together. -cough-Metroid.-cough-

Of course, there is great enemy placement and you are practically forced to fight. That gets points. The only thing I wish that was different was the VARIETY of the enemies. In other words, more enemies that shoot such as turrets and a minion or two. Otherwise, on the spot.

Puzzles, as I mentioned earlier, are seen throughout the course of the game. They're not that bad, but just a little too simple. I would mess around with the creator a little bit more and try to fit at least one more brand new, original, epic puzzle. But, hey. I can only review on what you have. Overall, the puzzles weren't bad.

There isn't really a storyline. There are little scenes, but no story line. And that's fine. My games are the same way.


Addictiveness: 3.5/5 (Very addictive to get pass that first puzzle)

Scenery: 4/5 (Looks like it took time, but still basic)

Map/Layout: 3.5/5 (Pretty well made, I would improve on the outside bit)

Difficulty: 4.5/5 (Very difficult, I barely finished the game)

Consistent Mood: 4/5 (Pretty good, but a little basic)

Important Ratings

(Out of five)

Game-play: ____
Enemy Placement: _____
Puzzles: ___

Storyline: N/A

Overall Rating

4/5 = 8/10

Should this be featured? Yes.

After-Notes And Final Words

Great game, Staylor. Not your best, but great. Very challenging, I like it.

Sorry for the short review.


Project Faction Reviewed by superpiggy on Friday, November 26th 2010. Project Faction... - A game review written by superpiggy for the game 'Project Faction' by staylor21fan. Rating: 0.5