Review #4: Move Out The Way!

Review by thunderboom on Saturday, February 8th 2014
Click to play Avoidance

Avoidance is a game created by concertony

Hey there fellow Sploderians! Hope your all having a fine day. I know I am. Now lets skip to why we're all here. Today, I'm have written up my 4th review on this account to share to you guys. I have decided to choose: Avoidance by an unknown member named 'Concertony'. Sit back, grab some sweet caramel popcorn and enjoy the show...


So to start, let's look at the thumbna- Oh, it seems a bit... Gone? If we look at the thumbnail on this page, we can seem to see the SpaceShip from the Shooter Creator on the PPG - Normal, of course. It appears that the Ship has something to do with our player. And for the coin - if you can't figure it out, I recommend going to your local mental hospital. The thumbnail looked very boring, not very attractive; unlike me. I'm sure that this thumbnail could be improved deeply. If your wondering why I picked a game with a boring thumbnail, it was because of the name. I guessed that the title explained briefly that this was a type of action game and you know I just love action games. Now for the member, I know that Con is a fairly old sploder member. He is a really nice person but his game's quality aren't great to be very honest here.


Once again, I will have to have my say about lag and this game made the sun come out. For you people who don't get that metaphor, it means it wasn't laggy and it run smoothly. The game doesn't have any story but that's fine - If con does count it as a minigame. The whole plot wasn't anything new, fresh or unique. The title really did explain the plot, it's that simple. I'm sure that there are millions of games out there just like this. All con has really done has changed the graphics a bit and added more objects, etc. Due to lack of objects, I couldn't find any glitching. In a way this is good but shows lack of objects, etc. We can easily decide this is a minigame for a few reasons - But for this section, I'm only going to mention one. That factor is: time. It didn't take me long to get the hang of and finish. Despite all the criticism, the overall enjoyment of game-play were reasonably big for this game; this would be because minigames are usually short, snappy and enjoyable.


I, honestly, felt that this section is one of the main factor of this game as the plot is entirely revolved around it. There were no signs of any traps in this game, so I'm skipping that part of this section. Onto hazards now. The hazards were not entirely the same they both had factors the same and some factors different. The factors the same were that they'd abduct one life/penalty. The factors that were different were the forms of hazards. The main hazards moved around like lost sheep, the rest spawned. As this is like the way it is, it requires your eyes to bulge out and sense out any approaching objects.


There was no solid form of any puzzle in this game but Thunder, cleverly, found a small type of puzzle. The type of puzzle, I think, I found was knowing which space is clear at what time. It shows a form of puzzle because it requires memory and fast brain activity. The type I call it is, umm, well... 'Action Puzzle'? I don't know really, leave me alone. You better thank me Con, I made puzzles in your game :)


Evidently, from the paragraphs above, this game would prove a decent amount of difficulty - and it did. This game proved that it had a decent amount of difficulty. I did have re-tries of levels a few time, so that showed a positive sign. This game had elements of difficulty but could be mastered with some practise. I sound like a Karate Master now lol.


Now, I found that this game had no scenery at all. It was, literally, a blank background through-out. There was no sign where the game was based, scenery wise. It probably couldn't get any more bland. Not even a colour was used. Honestly, the only two objects were: player and hazards. Next time Con, try to use some graphics and objects to make the scenery better. Sorry for being harsh there but it's my job :)


Before we get to the scores, we have one more section - Creativity. In all honesty, as I said at the start, I'm sure I've seen this type of game hundreds of times. As said in the paragraph above, there were only 2 types of objects in this game: player/hazards. The plot was way too simple. On the other hand, due to this being a minigame, a lot of game are like this - take Flappy Bird for instance: simple plot and it's the most popular app going. Even though it needed a lot of improvement with it's creativeness, it wasn't all bad.


Game-Play = __/_____:

Hazards/Traps = __/_____:

Puzzles = __/_____:

Difficulty = ___/_____:

Scenery = -/_____:

Creativity = _/_____:

Final Score

At last, we are ready to reveal the final score to the public. Voting is now closed. Any further votes will not be counted but may still be charged.... Concertony's game: Avoidance, has earned a score of...... 10/30!


Unfortunately, I'm afraid not. A lot of factors let this game down. Even though it was a minigame, it could have had many adjustments/additions. Better luck next to Con.


In brief, although this game had some factors that could've been majorly improved and things that could've been added, I really enjoyed this minigame. It kept me occupied for today as I spent today writing the review, played it a couple of times, etc. I think this game could be successful if it was re-made. Take that to note Con, maybe you should consider that. I hope you had an enjoyable time reading my 4th review and I'll see you next time. Goodbye.