I'm Pretty Sure It's Kronos...

Review by thunderleaf on Monday, November 1st 2010
Click to play Chronos 2

Chronos 2 is a game created by babybuster

...but, meh, who cares? (Besides you Greek mythology people, and it's a rhetorical question. -______-) Now, the review...

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I liked how he used the new update, how the dude could fit in between that 1-space-2-block space. Also, he used the new weapons from the update well. Nice job!

Despite how well-made it was, it's still pretty hard, so don't be mislead.


Challenge: _____/_____
Addictiveness: ___.7/_____
Fun: ____.3/_____

4F73R 7H0UGH75

Dangit. Tudor already reviewed it. :v|