Lion? Ok...

Review by turtlee on Sunday, March 25th 2012
Click to play Lion

Lion is a game created by jackjoshseb

Lions r just ok. Idk how they became famous , maybe some films bout’ em and after watching many people got fond of their lives? Let us say , Lions are just interesting.. Their ways of hunting , their diet and some other aspects of their lives. Hmm..enough of this let’s begin

Jack is a gud plat maker , all of his featured games are puzzle-games. He said he was going to release a puzzle plat on the forums so I got interested , soya I tried the game when he released it. Now , let us go to the review. I’m already at the review , sili.

Oh man , the gameplay is just …well ok , there are numerous amounts of recycled puzzles there. I don’t see the fun that much in puzzle games , but when there is lava and traps it’s always awesome. While I play , I find it fun to explore this large areas , although some parts are boring and a spoilin flaw on the whip –part was there.. I didn’t find anything unique about this game. There is something missing? It’s good already but yeah , there’s a missing piece.

The puzzles were just great but some are pretty easy and some are not. It’s a good combination bro. I was really confused on one part and after a sleep I figured it out , it was good but yeah.. perplexing. Although after I figured it out , I wasn’t that stunned.. The puzzles are good and a showstopper but yeah this game isn’t all , it is great but I think it is just simple.

I like the lighting of this game , it hides something so it’ll be more complexing. It’s a good thing that he took advantage of the lighting parts. All I see is black tilez and some colored things , so I find it dull if we look at the atmosphere. But yeah , the darkness has a purpose and scenery isn’t a large aspect although like I said it gives a unique feeling.

Traps are just great , well he specialized gears and a widespread of lava if you keep off balance in the slider. Cbleeps that may imprison you in some area and some other more which may damage you , the traps are great and I couldn’t say anything , although the traps are few.. the quality of those stands out.

Summin’ it up , it’s an average game.. although some flaws ruin the game but yeah if we look at the positive side it’s good , he made the simple puzzles into a harder one and he made use of splendid traps. Let us say , this is not the best of jack.. I find the ossuary more better than this. Umm since the case is if it is feature worthy? I think it’s a decent game but it isn’t unique and doesn’t stand out other games , so I may say it’s not worthy or maybe just a slight bit bro. It’s good but I think more improvements should come cuz I know jack might become one of the greatest game makers here.

Overall - ___/_____: