The Quest For Finding What Z Means In ZOMG.. (Temple Of Zomg - Yugioh77)

Review by wackyy on Thursday, March 29th 2012
Click to play Temple of Zomg

Temple of Zomg is a game created by yugioh77

Hello and welcome to my first review. I hope this will be entertaining, fun etc. Anyway, I'll get to the review.


This is a review of the appropriately named Temple of Zomg, made by Yugioh77. I've been a fan of Yugi's games since I came back to Sploder. I found most of his games feature-worthy. I don't know if that's just me or if it's real. Anyway, in this review you'll discover the seemingly meaningless abbreviation of "Z" in ZOMG. I found a meaning. If you want to know what it means, then you'll have to look inside... :D


Quite a game, I thought. Many aspects of this game are suitably fantastic. By the end of the game, I felt ZOMG myself, as most of the key elements in a game you look for, ie scenery, action etc. Are all there in a pleasing attitude. The Scenery is frankly epic, mind.


The gameplay is acceptable. Temple of Zomg has a lot of action in it, and such. Although, it's more oriented around hazards, in my opinion. Perhaps this is what makes the game ZOMG-ish. You tend to rush around large rooms, long corridors or that kind of stuff, slaying enemies, avoiding traps. It really brings an atmosphere that the inhabitants of this temple kind of don't want you here. While still on the topic, there is little to no lag in the game. Platformer games aren't usually the ones to have lag, but when fighting many enemies, having complicated animations or just pure massive maps, you do get lag in Platformers. Somehow, Yugi has avoided this. And to think, of the large and stunning amount of our next paragraph...


The scenery completely blew me away in the beginning. It really gives the game a good thumbnail, too. It's so there that it gave me this message: "You are in a temple." It tells me that I'm inside a Temple of Zomg. The scenery, in fact, made me shout out "ZOMG" in real life. That, my friends, is how vibrant the scenery is. Maybe it's too much differing colours and patterns, but at least it tells me what I'm playing. And the amazing thing is, you'd expect this large amount of scenery to lag, a lot, but it does not. I'd pray for less scenery, much, but if it brings such a dull game like this to life, and to review, then, God, I take my prayers back, lol.


Well, for puzzles, I'd say confusing is a puzzle. The scenery, as we just talked about, was very confusing. Bad grades for this, I thought.. But eventually, as I found out, I was wrong. It formed the outer layer of the game. A sort of maze-room-like composition. Any who, There are some real puzzles, too. Yugi entices you into a corridor then forces you to get out in a very complicated way. Temple of Zomg uses event doors in a good way too. Near the start of the game, a ninja tricks you into a hole, of which a door closes behind you. Many other instances of this are introduced in clever ways too. to advance much further in the start, you must obtain a flame-thrower to burn down cinder blocks. Getting to that is possibly the hardest puzzle in the entire game. Oh, I don't know.


The placement is perhaps the worst thing in the game. Just joking. I meant that in a way that it really annoys you. Of course I had to kill that ninja, then he took revenge on me... Or fate did. All scenery, enemy and obstacle placement are fantastic. The enemy placement can tease you, entice you (D:) and much more. It also adds difficulty to a game. It makes common sense to put a ninja near a death-drop than a flat path. Unless you want to have your game comparable to rubbish games like "Play the iPod" or "Shave Justin Bieber". Still though, it'd also take sense to block a path with Cinder blocks than Sand blocks. You can automatically add a neat puzzle - find the weapon.


Gameplay: ___/_____
Puzzles: ____/_____
Scenery: ____/_____
Placement: ___/_____

Overall: ___.7/_____

I think the Z in ZOMG means.... "AWESOMESAUCE". I know, right? Doesn't make any sense. That is because Z never meant to mean anything! That makes it a whole bunch better. Wackyy here, finishing review.


Temple of Zomg Reviewed by wackyy on Thursday, March 29th 2012. The Quest For Finding What Z Means In ZOMG.. (Temple Of Zomg - Yugioh77) - A game review written by wackyy for the game 'Temple of Zomg' by yugioh77. Rating: 3